Our Classes

We offer a number of different styles of class to teach our movement principles:

Mat Class

This is a mat class format suitable for beginners as well as experienced students that includes Pilates based movements. This class introduces the participant to the basic biomechanical leverage concepts of movement.

Arch Curl Motion Series

Movement in this class is done seated on a stool. This movement style is great for valve system function. The valve system controls respiration, digestion, and circulation, and also impacts immune system function.

If you don't have a stool for class, you can join us on a flat chair without arms.


A standing barefooted movement class set to music. This class emphasizes full range of motion, breath work, balance, alignment and biomechanical movement principles.

Parkour Circuit

This class is technique focused on the entry level gross motor movements we use in parkour, such as squats, step ups, etc.

Recommended equipment: foam roller, stool, pillow, and empty section of wall.

If you don't have one or more pieces of equipment on this list, you're welcome to join us anyway. Modified exercises are sometimes possible, or you can skip any exercise you can't do.